Performance, Load, and Stress Testing

What is a Performance, Load and Stress Test?

  • Performance:
    • Performance testing is a type of testing for determining the speed of a computer, network or device. It checks the performance of the components of a system by passing different parameters in different load scenarios. [1]
  • Load:
    • Tests actual user load on any application or website and checks how the application behaves during normal and high loads. Performed when a development project nears to its completion.
  • Stress:
    • Tests that determine the stability and robustness of the system. It is a non-functional testing technique. This testing technique uses auto-generated simulation model that checks all the hypothetical scenarios. [1]

Function of Performance, Load, and Stress Tests:

  • Performance:
    • Performance tests measure performance against established criteria under a workload, considering latency, through put, stress, response time, or scalability tests where applicable
    • Performance is measured and reported against thresholds and benchmarks
  • Load:
    • Load testing typically improves performance bottlenecks, scalability and stability of the application before it is available for production.
  • Stress:
    • Measures the system on its robustness and error handling capabilities under extremely heavy load conditions. [2]

Test Results:

If new conduct several tests to establish Thresholds and Benchmarks. If established use known Thresholds and Benchmarks to test against.
  • Performance :
  • Load :
    • Helps testers and developers identify the maximum operating capacity of applications as well as system bottlenecks.
    • Results of load tests can be unpredictable
    • Load testing depends on the number of users.
  • Stress :
    • Testers and developers should analyze the behavior of the system after a failure. For stress testing to be successful, a system should display an appropriate error message while it is under extreme conditions. [2]

Compare Performance, Load, and Stress Testing:

Comparison Chart Link

Load vs. Volume Testing, What is the Difference? [3]

  • Load
    • The load testing is done by changing the user loads for the resources and verifying the performance of the resources.
    • The primary focus of this testing is on ‘users’.
    • The server is stressed to the maximum limit.
    • A simple example can be creating a large number of files.
  • Volume
    • The volume testing is done to verify the database performance against a large volume of data in the DB.
    • The primary focus of this testing is on ‘data’.
    • The database is stressed to the maximum limit.
    • A simple example can be creating a huge sized file.


Index of Testing Types:

This topic: Testing > DifferentTypesSoftwareTestingIndex > LoadPerformanceStressTesting
Topic revision: 15 Dec 2020, NicoleRadziwill
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