Where To Put Information

Where should you store information? That depends on 1) how easily you want the information findable by Ultranauts and 2) how easily you want the information findable by the world. You can continue producing your documents in Google Drive, and when you determine that the information is of broader interest, you can create a page on an internal or external wiki web. Or, if you know that the information you're producing is going to be of broader interest, create it on the appropriate wiki web.

  • If you don't want anyone to see it or find it… put it on Google Drive.
  • If you need to collaborate on a longer document and don't want anyone other than your collaborators to see it or find it… put it on Google Drive and share with your collaborators.
  • If you want other Ultranauts to be able to find it, but not the world… put it on a Private Web on the wiki. You can link Google docs into your wiki page.
  • If you want other Ultranauts and the world to find it… put it on a Public Web on the wiki. You can link Google docs into your wiki page; non-Ultranauts will not be able to see them if they are protected.
    • Q: Why would I want anyone outside the organization to see what I post? A: It helps to build your professional credibility and reputation. Future employers will Google you. May as well see you explaining complex concepts in simple and concise ways.
  • If you're working on official (controlled) documents, use Guru cards. Very few of you will need to build cards in Guru; most of you will see/use cards.


Kind of InfoSorted ascending Examples Searchable by Ultranauts Searchable by World Location
External, Uncontrolled Info that would be useful for Ultranauts and the broader professional community; can be docs you "promote" from Google Drive Yes Yes Wiki (External Web)
Internal, Controlled Policies, HR, Recruiting, Onboarding info Yes No Guru
Internal, Uncontrolled Documents that 2 or 3 people collaborate on & can share links together No No Google Drive (Shared Link)
Internal, Uncontrolled Things you think other Ultranauts should have ongoing access to; can be docs you "promote" from Google Drive Yes No Wiki (Internal Web)
Personal, Uncontrolled Your Documents (that you don't want/need others to easily find) No No Google Drive
-- NicoleRadziwill - 19 Mar 2020
Topic revision: r4 - 07 Jan 2022, NicoleRadziwill
© 2020 Ultranauts - 75 Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 206, New York, NY 10004 - info@ultranauts.co