internal package Foswiki::Plugins::JQDataTablesPlugin::Connector

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internal package Foswiki::Plugins::JQDataTablesPlugin::Connector

base class for grid connectors used to feed a jqGrid widget

ClassMethod restHandleSave($request, $response)

this is called by the gridconnector REST handler based on the "oper" url parameter as provided by the GRID widget.

ClassMethod buildQuery($request) → $string

creates a query based on the current request

ClassMethod search( %params ) → ($total, $totalFiltered, $data)

perform the actual search and fetch result

ClassMethod restHandleSearch($request, $response)

this is called by the connector REST handler based on the "oper" url parameter as provided by the Datatables widget.

ClassMethod column2Property( $columnName ) → $propertyName

maps a column name to the actual property in the store.

ClassMethod getColumnsFromRequest( $request ) → @cols

read the request params and collect the column descriptions as transmitted by the Datatables client

StaticMethod urlDecode( $text ) → $text


ClassMethod translate($string, $web, $topic) → $string

translate string to user's current language

Topic revision: r1 - 02 Mar 2020, UnknownUser
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