Incorporating Testrail Reporting into Automated Testing

The Testrail API provides a lot of options for automating reporting. Below is an example approach that can be leveraged in other projects, that has been designed based on the approaches used on the Blackboard project.

Getting Started

  • Authentication: You need an API key to send API requests to Testrail.

    • Log into Testrail, navigate to “My Settings”, and click on “API Keys” to add a new key.

  • API Documentation:


Why this approach?

  1. Some Testrail requests have required data, such as ID numbers so the request knows where its going. For example, you need to know the Testrun ID so you can send a GET request to find the ID #s of the testcase instances and map them to their titles, so that any code can know where to send results.

  2. Our work greatly benefits from organizing our test results, this is especially true when automating result reporting due to the sheer quantity of reporting that is possible.

    1. Testrail provides an almost endless variety of ways to organize result reporting. There are many other strategies that could be used here!

Test ID and Testruns: The Bare Minimum

  1. Test ID needed: The bare minimum needed to send a Testrail report is the Test ID of the Testcase within a Testrun that you want the report sent to.

  2. Getting Test IDs: There are not many ways to get Test IDs from the API, the way we use here is sending a GET request for the details of a Testrun.

    1. To do so we need a Testrun ID. We can input this manually to target an existing Testrun, or we can create a new Testrun and automatically capture the ID when we create it

Milestones: Complicating Our Approach for Organizational Benefits

  • Organizational: Using Milestones gives us Testrail locations to organize Testruns into. This can be helpful in automation, otherwise the list of Testruns can quickly get out of control.

  • An extra step: The use of Milestones means that when creating a Testrun, if we want a new Milestone, it should be created before the Testrun so that we can assign the Milestone during Testrun creation.

Example Workflow

Testrun ID

  1. If creating a new Testrun:

    1. Ask the user if they want to a new, old, or no Milestone

    2. Create the Testrun

  2. If using an existing Testrun:

    1. Skip the Milestone sections. The Testrun will already know what Milestone it is in.

    2. Ask the user for its Testrun ID #

Milestone ID

  1. If using a new Milestone, create it

  2. If using an existing Milestone, ask the user for its ID #

  3. If not using a Milestone, move on

Testcases and Test ID #

  1. Prerequisite: Get Testun ID #

  2. Get the list of Testcases in the Testrun and the corresponding ID #s for each

Reporting Results to Testrail

  1. Prerequisite: Get the mapping of test ID # to test title (stored in my testsList dictionary variable)

  2. Send results to the test ID

Other Considerations

  • Reporting individual results vs bulk reporting

    • This approach reports each Testcase as soon as its result is ready. However, Testrail supports sending bulk results, and doing so would be much faster. The downside of bulk reporting though, is if anything interrupts your run, you won’t get any results. This is a strategy decision to be made on a project basis.

  • Test Suites:

    • This approach uses Test Suites. If a Testrail Project doesn’t use Suites, then the approach would need to be adjusted.

    • This approach uses all Testcases in the specified Test Suite. However the API does support specifying Testcases during Testrun creation, if desired. Leveraging this functionality can be complicated, but it does have potential use.

Code Example

Reporting to Testrail with Python

A few notes:
  • Prerequisites:

    • Python: This approach is written in Python, though the core concepts can be easily transferred to various toolsets.

    • External Creds: This code relies upon a .env file with creds and auth, that is not included here. You would need to make your own and put variables with the appropriate names and values in it

  • Approach:

    • Summary: This code primarily interacts with the user to determine where in Testrail they want to report their results.

    • Goal: To create any needed Testrail destinations, and to save the ID mapping for each testcase that is going to be used. This mapping is stored in the testsList dictionary variable. This is intended to be used within a test script that can then be run, and any tests therein can use the reportResult function to leverage the testsList mapping to know where to send the results.

import os
import requests
import json
from dotenv import load_dotenv
project_folder = os.path.expanduser('') # local path
load_dotenv(os.path.join(project_folder, '.env'))

"""Testrail Reporting via API"""
# testrailRequest class packages API requests, including saving data internally, and various other functions
# prompt functions package the user input handling and validation depending on the type of answer expected
# reportResult function is a placeholder illustration of how to send results after the script has been completed
# main workflow is a commandline user experience designed to ask the user for their preferences and automatically create anything needed in Testrail in preparation for being able to use the reportResult function to send results to Testrail

class testrailRequest(object):
def __init__(self, requestType, urlParams, payload={}, files={}):
"""Create a Testrail API request instance. Note that this doesnt send the request until self.sendRequest() is run

requestType is str "get", "post" etc.
urlParams is the tail of the url
payload is a dict that will be sent as a json
files is a dict reference to a locale file"""
self.baseUrl = os.getenv("TEST_RAIL_BASE_URL")
self.username = os.getenv("TEST_RAIL_USERNAME")
self.password = os.getenv("TEST_RAIL_API_KEY") # or password
self.requestType = requestType
self.urlParams = urlParams
self.headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
self.payload = payload
self.response = False

def sendRequest(self):
"""Send the API to Testrail defined in in this instance"""
session = requests.Session() # create a session request instance
session.auth = (self.username, self.password) # set auth for the session instance

print("Sending request...")
print(" ..."+self.baseUrl+self.urlParams)
self.response = session.request(
print(" …Response Status Code:",self.response.status_code)

# Validate request status
if self.response.status_code = 200:
self.responseDisplay() # If an error occurs, display it to the user immediately
return False
# Return the response for truth, but its been stored in self.response so it can be called anywhere without catching this return
return self.response

def checkResponse(self):
"""Check the current instance for a response. To be used by internal methods that are going to act on self.response."""
if self.response == False:
print("There is no response yet. Run self.sendRequest() first.")
return False
return True

def responseDisplay(self):
"""Display the response"""
if not self.checkResponse():
return False
print(" …Response Reason:",self.response.reason)
print(json.dumps(self.response.json(), indent=4))

def promptYesno(message):
"""Prompt the user with the message and only accept yes/no as input. Return true if they say yes."""
choice = ""
while not choice:
choice = input(message+" [y/n] ")
if choice.lower() in ["yes", "y", "yep", "yup", "sure"]:
return True
elif choice.lower() in ["no", "n", "nope", "nah"]:
return False
print("ERROR: Input not recognized. Choose yes or no\n")
choice = ""

def promptNum(message):
"""Prompt the user with the message and only accept numbers as input. Return the input."""
choice = 0
while not choice:
choice = input(message+" [number] ")
print("ERROR: Input not recognized. Choose a number\n")
choice = 0
return choice

def promptText(message):
"""Prompt the user with the message and only accept text as input. Return the input."""
choice = ""
while not choice:
choice = input(message+" [text] ")
print("ERROR: Input not recognized. Choose text\n")
choice = ""
return choice

def reportResult(testname, testsList, status, comment=False):
"""Report a result for testname to Testrail, based on test ID mapping in the testsList

testname: Should match the name of the testcase in testrail
testsList: a dict of testnames to testrail id numbers
result: pass/fail/etc
comment: Whatever you want printed in the testrail report
# Testrail status codes mapped to human readable
statusMap = {
"pass": 1,
"passed": 1,
"blocked": 2,
"untested": 3,
"retest": 4,
"fail": 5
payload = {
"status_id": statusMap[status]
if comment:
payload["comment"] = comment
addResult = testrailRequest("post", "/add_result/"+str(testsList[testname]["id"]), payload)

if name == '__main__':
projectNum = 0
suiteNum = 0
milestoneNum = 0
milestoneName = ""
milestoneResponse = False
testsList = {}

testrunReuse = promptYesno("Would you like to use a previous Testrun?")
if testrunReuse:
# Reuse a Testrun ID!
testrunNum = promptNum("Testrun ID #")
testrunResponse = testrailRequest("get", "/get_run/"+testrunNum)
# testrunResponse.responseDisplay()
projectNum = testrunResponse.response.json()["project_id"] #jic
milestoneNum = testrunResponse.response.json()["milestone_id"] #jic
suiteNum = testrunResponse.response.json()["suite_id"] #jic
# Creating a new Testrun! But first check if we want Milestones!
milestone = promptYesno("Would you like to use a Milestone at all?")
if milestone:
# Use a Milestone!
milestoneReuse = promptYesno("Would you like to use a previous Milestone?")
if milestoneReuse:
# Reuse a Milestone ID!
milestoneNum = promptNum("Milestone ID #")
milestoneResponse = testrailRequest("get", "/get_milestone/"+milestoneNum)
# milestoneResponse.responseDisplay() = milestoneResponse.response.json()["name"]
print("Milestone:", = milestoneResponse.response.json()["id"]
projectNum = milestoneResponse.response.json()["project_id"] #jic
# Create a new Milestone!
projectNum = promptNum("What is the Testrail Project Number?") # this should usually be replaced by an environmental
milestoneName = promptText("What would you like to name the new Milestone?")
milestoneResponse = testrailRequest("post", "/add_milestone/"+str(projectNum), {"name": milestoneName})
# milestoneResponse.responseDisplay() = milestoneResponse.response.json()["id"]
milestoneNum = milestoneResponse.response.json()["id"]

# Create a new Testrun!
testrunName = promptText("What would you like to name the new Testrun?")
suiteNum = promptNum("Test Suite ID #") if not suiteNum else suiteNum
projectNum = promptNum("Testrail Project #") if not projectNum else projectNum
testrunPayload = {
"suite_id": suiteNum,
"name": testrunName
if milestone:
testrunPayload["milestone_id"] = milestoneNum
testrunResponse = testrailRequest("post", "/add_run/"+str(projectNum), testrunPayload)
# testrunResponse.responseDisplay() = testrunResponse.response.json()["id"]
testrunNum = testrunResponse.response.json()["id"]
projectNum = testrunResponse.response.json()["project_id"] # jic
milestoneNum = testrunResponse.response.json()["milestone_id"] #jic
suiteNum = testrunResponse.response.json()["suite_id"] #jic

# Now that we have our Testrun defined
# Get test IDs and store them in testsList dict
testsResponse = testrailRequest("get", "/get_tests/"+str(testrunNum))
# testsResponse.responseDisplay()
for test in testsResponse.response.json():
# Organize tests by title so specific ones can have their ids referenced
testsList[test["title"]] = {
"id": test["id"],
"case_id": test["case_id"]
""" FINAL RESULT: testsList dict of test IDs to send results to """
print(json.dumps(testsList, indent=4))
print("At this point we should have a set of results previously prepared that we want to send")
print("Results to report will need a test name to correspond to the TC name in Testrail")
print("By matching the name we can get the testsList[name][\"id\"] in order to send results there")
Topic revision: r2 - 15 Dec 2020, NicoleRadziwill
© 2020 Ultranauts - 75 Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 206, New York, NY 10004 -