A very brief overview of a few of the topics covered in the Codeless Automation Learning Path.

Feature Files Best Practices

Don't be this person.

Showing what not to do

  • use background statements to isolate common preconditions
  • use tags to describe scenarios
  • use scenario outlines to parameterize tests that run multiple times
  • focus on behavior and not implementation

By adding too much detail to the feature file, you lose the intent of the scenario's behavior.
How you make it happen isn't really relevant in a feature file.

Cucumber is used to automate and run tests defined in Feature Files.

What is a Version Control System?

A category of software tools that helps record changes to files by keeping a track of modifications done to the code.
  • complete long-term change history of every file (protects against data loss, and easily roll back any mistakes)
  • allows multiple developers to access and change different areas of the code, without interfering with each other's work

Git vs GitHub

By far, the most widely used modern version control system in the world today is Git.

Git is a version control system that lets you manage and keep track of your source code history.

GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service that lets you manage Git repositories.

Selenium IDE vs. Selenium WebDriver

Although Selenium is a family of more than one product, when people only say Selenium, they are usually implying Selenium WebDriver.
  • Selenium IDE is a browser extension that records and plays back user interactions in the browser.
  • Selenium WebDriver is a collection of APIs used to automate the testing of a web application

Selenium IDE

  • allows user to edit, record and debug the tests
  • helps users to quickly register and play tests in the real environment that will be executed
  • support for looping and condition logic
  • easily export test cases to many popular programming languages (JavaScript Mocha, Java JUnit, Ruby RSpec, etc.)
  • provides a set speed command that lets you set the execution speed by adding a global delay

Selenium WebDriver

  • implemented through a browser-specific driver
  • directly communicates with the browser and controls it
  • various programming languages available: Java, Python, Ruby, etc.
  • supports Batch Testing, Data Driven Testing, Cross Browser Testing, and Database Testing
  • easily broaden the scope of your tests with third party frameworks

-- KaylaGilbert - 30 Jul 2020

This topic: Automation > WebHome > CodelessOverview
Topic revision: 31 Jul 2020, KaylaGilbert
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