Codeless Path Notes

Behavior Driven Development - process that helps everyone on the development team to have a shared understanding of software behavior

Gherkin - specification language

Cucumber - tool that understands Gherkin

BDD is good for

  • Manual tests

  • Smoke tests

  • Integration tests

  • Regression tests

  • End-to-end tests

BDD is not as good for:

  • Exploratory tests

  • Contract tests

  • Performance tests

  • Load tests

  • API tests

Test Automation University

Note: Some overlap with API Testing Notes

“Test automation is most successful when there is collaboration amongst different team members: the product owners, business analysts, developers, testers, and of course automation engineers.”

Product owner / business analyst - help to decide which tests need to be automated

Developers - contribute unit tests, help update tests

Testers - manual testers are still needed! Not everything can or should be automated. They can also help with knowing which tests to automate

Test Automation Pyramid

UI - at the top of the pyramid. Should have the least automated tests

Services - middle of pyramid. More automated tests than UI but less than Unit

Unit - bottom of the pyramid. Should have the most automated tests

Seams = shortcuts in application example: unique URLs

UI Locators - UI level tests need to access html elements

Interaction & Validation

Unit & Services tests (functions) - write in the same language

Interaction = call functions

Services tests (APIs) - need to do HTML requests & responses

UI - need navigation library

Validation libraries - turn code into tests

Run tests in parallel to reduce time to complete

Clean coding - code reusability and maintainability.


  • excessive code duplication

  • long classes and methods,

  • inefficient waiting within tests

  • code smells

Design Patterns

  • Page Object Model

  • Screenplay

  • Fluent

  • Builder

  • Singleton

  • Factory

  • Facade

(These aren’t defined in the video)

Scaling Tests consider multiple:

  • environments

  • browsers

  • devices

Measuring return on investment. Benefits:

  • Shortened regress testing time

  • Fast and frequent feedback

  • Faster development time

  • Scalability


Why Use It?

  • Simple enough for non-programmers

  • Complex enough for programmers

  • User stories easier to understand

Scenarios should focus on behavior and not implementation.

Best Practices:

  • Steps should be information Independant

  • Connect scenarios to requirements

  • Combine common scenarios where possible

  • Make statements declarative, not imperative

  • Make steps modular

  • Keep general comments at the top of scenario

Gherkin Syntax:

Given: the current state / prerequisites

When: the action taken

Then: resulting behavior


Given: a customer has an account

And account balance is $100

When: customer withdraws $10

Then: account balance should be $90


Used for version control, keeps track of history of project and allows multiple people to collaborate on software together

Git - actual version control software

Github - web service that runs git

Github repository - project, can’t have spaces in name

Commit - save a project

History - list of changes

Branches - different parallel versions of the same software

Push request - request to merge changes

Pull request - merging changes from one branch to the main branch


Sikuli can be used to automate Flash

-- KellieHeistand - 23 Jun 2020
Topic revision: r2 - 05 Oct 2020, KellieHeistand
© 2020 Ultranauts - 75 Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 206, New York, NY 10004 -