Flowcharts with Graphviz

You can draw flow charts with Graphviz by specifying, in plain text, the relationships you want to illustrate. This is great for documenting processes and database schemas/ERDs or making ideas more clear. Bottom two examples are from dotguide.

If you write this code inside one of the pages or topics you create on this site:
<blockquote><graphviz renderer="dot" type="png">
digraph G { rankdir=LR; Hello[fontcolor="red"]; Hello->World }

It will produce this when the page is loaded:

This code:
"digraph G {
  node [shape=record fontname=Arial];
  A [label="Step 1"]
  B [label="Step 2"]
  C [label="Step 3A"]
  D [label="Step 3A"]
  E [label="Step 4"]
  A -> {B, C, D} -> {E}

Produces this:

This code:

"digraph G {
main [shape=box]; /* this is a comment */
main -> parse [weight=8];
parse -> execute;
main -> init [style=dotted];
main -> cleanup;
execute -> { make_string; printf}
init -> make_string;
edge [color=red]; // so is this
main -> printf [style=bold,label="100 times"];
make_string [label="make a\nstring"];
node [shape=box,style=filled,color=".7 .3 1.0"];
execute -> compare;

Produces this:

Here are:

-- NicoleRadziwill - 06 Mar 2020
Topic revision: r6 - 19 Mar 2020, NicoleRadziwill
© 2020 Ultranauts - 75 Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 206, New York, NY 10004 - info@ultranauts.co