before the preference names (see the examples below).
* 01 Jul 2005 - JohnExample2: To list that Mary will be away from 3-Sep - 9-Sep 2005
* 03 Sep 2005 - 09 Sep 2005 - MaryExample3: To list that Jill will be in Paris from 10-Sep - 11-Sep 2005 and in Tokyo on 15 Sep 2005
* 10 Sep 2005 - 11 Sep 2005 - Jill - Paris * 15 Sep 2005 - Jill - TokyoExample4: To list that Eve will be ill from 12-Sep - 20-Sep 2005 with her own 'smily'
* 12 Sep 2005 - 20 Sep 2005 - Eve - is ill - :skull:Example5: To list that Lisa will by not at work from April to June and the complete December 2005:
* Apr 2005 - Jun 2005 - Lisa * Dec 2005 - LisaExample6: To list in all time table entries that anybody will be not at work on Christmas Day:
* 25 Dec 2005 - Christmas Day @allExample7: There are several attributes (see Attributes) like
(defaults to 30days) and tablecaption
(defaults to null).
%HOLIDAYLIST{days="90" tablecaption="Planned Holidays"}%
Entry type | Syntax | Example |
Single entry | * dd MMM yyyy - name |
* 01 Jul 2005 - Jane |
* dd MMM yyyy - name - location |
* 01 Jul 2005 - Sarah - in Paris |
* dd MMM yyyy - name - location - icon |
* 01 Jul 2005 - Eve - ill - :skull: |
Interval entry | * dd MMM yyyy - dd MMM yyyy - name |
* 01 Aug 2005 - 22 Aug 2005 - EvaMaria |
* dd MMM yyyy - dd MMM yyyy - name - location |
* 02 Sep 2005 - 10 Sep 2005 - JohnDo - in London |
* dd MMM yyyy - dd MMM yyyy - name - location - icon |
* 02 Oct 2005 - 22 Oct 2005 - Fred - is ill - :skull: |
* MMM yyyy - name |
* May 2005 - Carl |
* MMM yyyy - name - location |
* Jun 2005 - Sam - in Sidney |
* MMM yyyy - name - location - icon |
* Nov 2005 - Lisa - is ill for a complete month - :skull: |
* MMM yyyy - MMM yyyy - name |
* Jun 2005 - Jul 2005 - Lily |
* MMM yyyy - MMM yyyy - name - location |
* Feb 2005 - Apr 2005 - Lisa - is not at work |
* MMM yyyy - MMM yyyy - name - location - icon |
* Nov 2005 - Dec 2005 - Lola - is 2 month not at work - :yes: |
Exception | insert the following before the name field and after a date (range): X { dd MMM yyyy, dd MMM yyy - dd MMM yyyy } |
* Dec 2005 X { 5 Dec 2005 - 7 Dec 2005, 12 Dec 2005 } - Sarah - will be away for the complete December except between 5 Dec and 7 Dec and on 12 Dec 2005 |
Public Holidays | just type '@all' in the name field | * 25 Dec 2005 - Christmas Day @all |
(see Attributes) you can use all event types of the Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin
, e.g. * 5 Mar 2009 - Green Entry - anywhere - color(green)
. It is also possible to combine icon and background color, e.g. * 6 Mar 2009 - Red Entry - somewhere - color(red) :skull:
%HOLIDAYLIST% <!-- * 24 Dec 2005 - Sam - @home -->
%HOLIDAYLIST{topic="TimeTableDataTopic" tablecaption="Planned Holidays (see TimeTableDataTopic)"}%
* 25 Dec 2005 - Christmas Day <!--@all-->You can also use the Foswiki:Extensions.CalDAVPlugin to recover holiday calendars from a CalDAV server.
Attribute | Comment | Default / Example |
Behavior | ||
compatmode | if set to "1" all Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin event types are supported (related: compatmodeicon) | compatmode="0" |
daynames | custom daynames (a list separated by a '¦' and starting on Monday; overrides lang attribute) | daynames="M¦T¦W¦T¦F¦S¦S" |
days | number of days to show | days="30" |
enablepubholidays | enables/disables public holidays (bullet list entries with a @all in a person field; related: showpubholidays, pubholidayicon) | enablepubholidays="1" |
lang | language (related: daynames, monthnames); allows a comma separted list of languages and the first is the default, e.g. lang="English,Deutsch" allows entry definitions like * 17 June 2009 - Test-en and * 17. Juni 2009 - Test-de |
lang="English" |
month | set a month (e.g. Jan, Feb … or 01, 02, … 12 ) or a month offset (e.g. +0, +1, -2,...) Note: If you use this month attribute the days attribute will be ignored (days will be set to the duration of the month). | month="+1" |
monthnames | custom month names (a list separated by '¦' and starting on January; overrides lang attribute) | monthnames="J¦F¦M¦A¦M¦J¦J¦A¦S¦O¦N¦D" |
namepos | allows you to change the position of the names; allowed values: left, right, both | namepos="left" |
navdays | defines the days to navigate to (default: value of the days attribute) |
navdays="30" |
order | changes the sorting order of entries and contains a comma separated list of names or special tags (default: alphanumerical order); hint: order attribute can also be used as a filter: show only listed persons (e.g. order="Bob,Bill" ); specials: [:ralpha:] - sort persons reverse alphanumerical; [:nextfirst:] - next person with an entry will be shown first; [:rest:] - will be replaced by missing persons if order contains an uncomplete person list (e.g. order="Bob,Bill,[:rest:]" ); [:num:] ([:rnum]) - (reverse) numerical order |
undefined / order="Bob,Bill,Alice,Jane,[:rest:]" |
removeatwork | set to "1" to remove persons without calendar entries from table | removeatwork="0" |
showmonthheader | enabes/disables month header | showmonthheader="1" |
showoptions | shows a navigation form | showoptions="0" |
showpubholidays | shows public holidays as separate lines (rows) in table (related: enablepubholidays, pubholidayicon) | showpubholidays="0" |
showstatcol | enables/disables statistics column(s) | showstatcol="off" |
showstatrow | enables/disables statistics row(s) | showstatrow="off" |
showstatsum | enables/disables statistics summary below/behind the statistics columns/rows; works only in conjunction with showstatcol and/or showstatrow | showstatsum="on" |
showweekends | shows weekends if set to 1 | showweekends="0" |
startdate | a start date (e.g. '1 Oct 2005') or a day offset (e.g. '10', '+30' or '-30') | startdate="+0" |
topic | a comma separated list of source topics | topic="%TOPIC%" |
week | set a week (1..52) or a week offset (-1, +0, +1, +2, …) | week="+0" |
year | set a year (e.g. 2005, 2006 …) or a year offset (e.g. +0, +1, -1, …) | year="0" |
Icons | ||
adayofficon | a day off icon | adayofficon=":ok:" |
compatmodeicon | icon used for Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin event types (only used if compatmode is enabled) | compatmodeicon="8-)" |
holidayicon | holiday icon | holidayicon="8-)" |
notatworkicon | not at work icon (only used if you type a location) | notatworkicon=":-I" |
pubholidayicon | public holiday icon (related: enablepubholidays, showpubholidays) | pubholidayicon=":-)" |
workicon | in work icon | workicon=" " |
Table Formatting | ||
border | table border | border="1" |
cellpadding | table cell padding | cellpadding="1" |
cellspacing | tabel cell spacing | cellspacing="0" |
daynames | custom daynames (a list separated by a '¦' and starting on Monday; overrides lang attribute) | daynames="M¦T¦W¦T¦F¦S¦S" |
headerformat | table header format of a day; a subset of strftime conversion specifiers is supported (only date not time specificiers; see manual page or Foswiki:Development.ConvergeDateTimeFormattingModels) | headerformat="<font size=\"-2\">%a<br/>%e</font>" |
lang | language (related: daynames, monthnames); allows a comma separted list of languages and the first is the default, e.g. lang="English,Deutsch" allows entry definitions like * 17 June 2009 - Test-en and * 17. Juni 2009 - Test-de |
lang="English" |
maxheight | maximum table height | undefined / maxheight="200px" |
monthheaderformat | month header format (related: showmonthheader) | monthheaderformat="%b" |
monthnames | custom month names (a list separated by '¦' and starting on January; overrides lang attribute) | monthnames="J¦F¦M¦A¦M¦J¦J¦A¦S¦O¦N¦D" |
name | header content of the first cell header | name="Name" |
namecolors | a comma separated list of names with own colors, e.g. namecolors="Mary:red,Bob:lightblue" | undefined / namecolors="Bill:yellow" |
navdays | defines the days to navigate to (default: value of the days attribute) |
navdays="30" |
navenable | enables/disables navigation (1 - enabled; 0 - disabled) | navenable="1" |
navhome | navigation button to the start date (%d will be replaced with page x days) | navhome="%d" |
navhometitle | title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the start date | navhometitle="Go to the start date" |
navnext | navigation button to the next navdays days |
navnext=">¦" |
navnexthalf | navigation button to the next navdays/2 days |
navnexthalf=">" |
navnexthalftitle | title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the next navdays/2 days (%n will be replaced with the half number of days to show) |
navnexttitle="Next %n day(s)" |
navnexttitle | title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the next navdays days (%n will be replaced with the number of days to show) | navnexttitle="Next %n day(s)" |
navprev | navigation button to the previous navdays days |
navprev="<br/>¦<" |
navprevhalf | navigation button to the previous navdays/2 days |
navprevhalf="<" |
navprevhalftitle | title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the previous navdays/2 days (%n will be replaced with the half number of days to show) |
navprevtitle="Previous %n day(s)" |
navprevtitle | title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the previous navdays days (%n will be replaced with the number of days to show) |
navprevtitle="Previous %n day(s)" |
nwidth | cell width of the first column | nwidth="120px" |
optionspos | position of the navigation form; allowed values: top, bottom, both | optionspos="bottom" |
optionsformat | defines the output format of the navigation form; some variables are available: %(WEEK|MONTH|YEAR)SEL(<range>) - a week|month|year popup menu; %(STARTDATE|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR)OFFS(<range>) - a day|week|month|year offset popup menu; %(STARTDATE|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR)(<default value>) - a startdate|week|month|year input field; %BUTTON(<submit button text>) - a submit button; ranges are optional (range syntax: <start value>(:<end value>(:<steps>)?)? , e.g. %YEARSEL(2002:2010:1) |
optionsformat="Month: %MONTHSEL, Year: %YEARSEL %BUTTON(Change)" |
rowcolors | a comma separated list of background colors used for entries; the color count is not limited | rowcolors="#ffffff,#f0f0f0" |
tablebgcolor | table background color | tablebgcolor="white" |
tablecaption | table caption | tablecaption=" " |
tablecaptionalign | table caption alignment (top, bottom, left, right) | tablecaptionalign="top" |
tableheadercolor | color of the table header | tableheadercolor="%WEBBGCOLOR%" |
tcwidth | width of the icon table cells | tcwidth="33px" |
todaybgcolor | background color for today cells (usefull if you use startdate attribute) | todaybgcolor="white" |
todayfgcolor | foreground color for today cells (usefull for a dark todaybgcolor) | todayfgcolor="black" |
weekendbgcolor | background color of weekend header and data table cells | weekendbgcolor="%WEBBGCOLOR%" |
width | width of table in pixels or percent | width="100%" |
Table Formatting - Statistics ( ![]() |
statcolformat | statistics column format (related: showstatcol, statcolheader, statcoltitle); see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section | statcolformat="%{hh}" -or- statcolofrmat="%{h}" (if showweekends set to "on" ) |
statcolheader | statistics header (related: showstatcol, statcolformat, statcoltitle); use '|' to separate multiple column headers | statcolheader="#" |
statcoltitle | statistics tooltip (related: showstatcol, statcolformat, statcolheader); see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section | statcoltitle="%{ll}" -or- statcoltitle="%{l}" (if showweekends set to "on" ) |
statformat | statistics format; overrides statcolformat and statrowformat | undefined / statformat="%{hh}" |
statformat_0 | defines the string for the zero value of all statistics variables; Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section | statformat_0="0" |
statformat_i | format for a single %{i} variable value; %ICON will be substituted by the icon; see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section | statformat_i="%{i:%ICON} x %ICON ;" |
statformat_ii | format for a single %{ii} variable value; %ICON will be substituted by the icon; see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section | statformat_ii="%{ii:%ICON} x %ICON ;" |
statformat_l | format for a single %{l} variable value; %LOCATION will be substituted by the location; see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section | statformat_l="%{l:%LOCATION} x %LOCATION;" |
statformat_ll | format for a single %{ll} variable value; %LOCATION will be substituted by the location; see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section | statformat_ll="%{ll:%LOCATION} x %LOCATION;" |
statformat_perc | percentage format | statformat_perc="%3.1f%%" |
statformat_unknown | will be used for unknown locations or icons if one of the statistics variables %{l}, %{ll}, %{i} or %{ii}) is replaced | statformat_unknown="unknown" |
statheader | statistics header; overrides statcolheader and statrowheader | undefined / statheader="#" |
statrowformat | statistics row format (related: showstatrow, statrowheader, statrowtitle); see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section | statrowformat="%{hh}" -or- statrowformat="%{h}" (if showweekends set to "on" ) |
statrowheader | statistics header (related: showstatrow, statrowformat, statrowtitle); use '|' to separate multiple row headers | statrowheader="#" |
statrowtitle | statistics tooltip (related: showstatrow, statrowformat, statrowheader); see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section | statrowtitle="%{ll}" -or- statrowtitle="%{l}" (if showweekends set to "on" ) |
stattitle | statistics tooltip; overrides statrowtitle and statcoltitle | undefined / stattitle="%{ll}" |
statcolformat=" <column1 format> | <column2 format> | ..."
statcoltitle=" <column1 format> | <column2 format> | ..."
statrowformat=" <row1 format> | <row2 format> | ..."
statrowtitle=" <row1 format> | <row2 format> | ..."
statformat=" <column1/row1 format> | <column2/row2 format> | ..."
stattitle=" <column1/row1 format> | <column2/row2 format> | ..."
and statcoltitle/statrowtitle
, simple use '|' as separator
<column/row? format>
definitions (see table below), e.g. statcolformat="%{l}"
should have the same number of columns/rows (count of '|'
should be equal)
%HOLIDAYLIST{startdate="21 Jul 2008" showstatcol="on" showstatrow="on" statformat="%{ll:sick} | %{ll:holidays} | %{ww} " statheader="sick | holidays | @work " stattitle="%{lldd:sick}|%{lldd:holidays}|%{wwdd}"}% * 21 Jul 2008 - Sam - sick * 23 Jul 2008 - 25 Jul 2008 - Sam - holidays
Substituted Statistics Variables | |
Variable | Description |
Counters | |
%{d} | number of days |
%{dd} | number of days without weekends |
%{h} | number of days in holidays |
%{hh} | number of days in holidays without weekends and public holidays |
%{i} | all icons and icon counts; use statformat_i to format an entry |
%{i:ICON} | count of ICON icons |
%{ii} | all icons and icon counts without weekends and public holidays; use statformat_ii to format an entry |
%{ii:ICON} | count of ICON icons without weekends and public holidays |
%{l} | all locations and location counts; use statformat_l to format an entry |
%{l:LOCATION} | location count of LOCATION |
%{ll} | all locations and location counts without weekends and publich holidays; use statformat_ll to fromat an entry |
%{ll:LOCATION} | location count of LOCATION without weekends and public holidays |
%{p} | day count of public holidays |
%{pp} | day count of public holidays without weekends |
%{w} | = %{d} - %{h} (day count at work) |
%{ww} | = %{dd} - %{hh} (day count at work without weekends and public holidays) |
Percentages (value format attribute: statformat_perc) | |
%{hd}, %{hdd}, %{hhd}, %{hhdd} |
holidays-to-days percentage with ('h'/'d') or without weekends and public holidays ('hh'/'dd') |
%{id:ICON}, %{idd:ICON}, %{iid:ICON}, %{iidd:ICON} |
icon-to-days percentage with ('i'/'d') or without weekends and public holidays ('ii'/'dd') |
%{ih:ICON}, %{ihh:ICON}, %{iih:ICON}, %{iihh:ICON} |
icon-to-holidays percentage with ('i'/'h') or without weekends and public holidays ('ii'/'dd') |
%{ld:LOCATION}, %{ldd:LOCATION}, %{lld:LOCATION}, %{lldd:LOCATION} |
location-to-days percentage with ('l'/'d') or without weekends and public holidays ('ll'/'dd') |
%{lh:LOCATION}, %{lhh:LOCATION}, %{llh:LOCATION}, %{llhh:LOCATION} |
location-to-holidays percentage with ('l'/'h') or without weekends and public holidays ('ll'/'hh') |
%{pd}, %{pdd}, %{ppd}, %{ppdd} |
public holidays-to-days percentage with ('p'/'d') or without weekends ('pp'/'dd') |
%{wd}, %{wdd}, %{wwd}, %{wwdd} |
working days-to-days percentage with ('w'/'d') or without weekends ('ww'/'dd') |
): 8-)
) %RED% Sorry, some parameters are unknown: %UNKNOWNPARAMSLIST% %ENDCOLOR% <br/> Allowed parameters are (see %SYSTEMWEB%.HolidaylistPlugin topic for more details): %KNOWNPARAMSLIST%
) :-)
) configure
, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See for more help.
Author: | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde (from an original by Foswiki:Main.PeterJones) | |||||||||
Version: | 14328 (2012-03-15) | |||||||||
Release: | 2.001 | |||||||||
Change History: | ||||||||||
2.001 (15 Mar 2012) | Foswiki:Tasks.Item11647: make more than one %HOLIDAYLIST per page work (again) | |||||||||
2.000 (28 Nov 2011) | Foswiki:Main.MichaelDaum: a more professional look&feel; fixed some persistent-perl gotchas | |||||||||
1.033 (03 Jun 2011) | Add missing topic parameter. |
1.032 (20 Jul 2010) | Foswiki:Tasks.Item9361: Show correct smiley if comment is white space only. | |||||||||
1.031 (07 Jul 2010) | Foswiki:Tasks.Item8548: Split the plugin into a load-on-demand core module, and changed it to use a registered tag handler. Made it NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC. Both changes for performance reasons. Changed the load method to expand includes in the same way as CalendarPlugin does (it would be good to share some code here). Foswiki:Tasks.Item1491: hacked/worked around problem with EditTablePlugin by enabling the recursion block in that plugin. Tested for compatibility with CalDAVPlugin and EditTablePlugin - seems OK. | |||||||||
1.030 (24 Nov 2009) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: improved INCLUDE support requested by Foswiki:Main.IngoKappler; added multi language support for entry definitions; fixed unknown language bug; fixed performance issue reported by Foswiki:Main.IngoKappler (thx Foswiki:Main.MichaelDaum) | |||||||||
1.029 (06 Mar 2009) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: changed some defaults (showmonthheader, monthheaderformat, headerformat); fixed alignments (statistics, monthheader); added maxheight attribute; allowed color definitions in icon fields | |||||||||
1.026 (28 Oct 2008) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added missing anchor in showoptions form action; added row color feature (new attributes: namecolors, rowcolors); added order feature (new attribute: order); added namepos attribute (place names left and/or right of a row) | |||||||||
1.025 (17 Oct 2008) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added div tag with style overflow:auto requested by Matthew Thomson; added query parameters feature (hlp_<attribute> in URIs); added option form feature (new attributes: showoptions, optionspos, optionsformat) requested by Matthew Thomson; improved performance; fixed minor icon related bugs | |||||||||
1.024 (29 Jul 2008) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added statistics feature requested by Foswiki:Main.GarySprague | |||||||||
1.023 (19 Jan 2008) | Foswiki:Main.KennethLavrsen: fixed Item5190 - does not like whitespace after the smiley. This makes the plugin work with TWiki 4.2.0 and Wysiwyg | |||||||||
1.022 (18 Jun 2007) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added documentation requested by Foswiki:Main.PeterThoeny; fixed type (on=off bug) | |||||||||
1.021 (20 Apr 2007) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed minor HTML bug reported by Foswiki:Main.JfMacaud; added month header feature (showmonthheader attribute) requested by Rikard Johansson; fixed some minor bugs (documentation, preferences handling); | |||||||||
1.020 (21 Sep 2006) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added week attribute requested by Foswiki:Main.JanFilipsky; added tooltip to day headers; | |||||||||
1.019 (07 Aug 2006) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: improved navigation; fixed %ICON% tag handling bug reported by Foswiki:Main.UlfJastrow; | |||||||||
1.018 (25 Jul 2006) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed periodic event bug; added navigation feature | |||||||||
1.017 (31 May 2006) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed minor bug (periodic repeater) | |||||||||
1.016 (27 Apr 2006) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed some major bugs: deep recursion bug reported by Foswiki:Main.ChrisHausen; exception handling bug (concerns Foswiki) | |||||||||
1.015 (09 Feb 2006) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added class attribute (holidaylistPluginTable) to table tag for stylesheet support (thanx Foswiki:Main.HaraldJoerg and Foswiki:Main.ArthurClemens); fixed mod_perl preload bug (removed 'use warnings;') reported by Foswiki:Main.KennethLavrsen | |||||||||
1.014 (23 Jan 2006) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: incorporated documentation fixes by Foswiki:Main.KennethLavrsen (Bugs:Item1440) | |||||||||
1.013 (08 Nov 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added Perl strict pragma; | |||||||||
1.012 (05 Sep 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added public holiday support requested by Foswiki:Main.IlltudDaniel; improved documentation; improved forced link handling in alt/title attributes of img tags; fixed documentation bug reported by Foswiki:Main.FranzJosefSilli | |||||||||
1.011 (11 Jul 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: improved performance; fixed major periodic repeater bug; added parameter check; fixed flag parameter handling; allowed language specific month and day names for entries; fixed minor repeater bugs; added new attributes: monthnames, daynames, width, unknownparamsmsg | |||||||||
1.010 (05 Jul 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added exception handling; added compatibility mode (new attributes: compatmode, compatmodeicon) with full CalendarPlugin event type support; added documentation | |||||||||
1.009 (29 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed major bug (WikiNames and forced links in names) reported by Foswiki:Main.KennethLavrsen; fixed documentation bugs; added INCLUDE expansion (for topics in topic attribute value); added name rendering | |||||||||
1.008 (23 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added new attributes (nwidth,tcwidth,removeatwork,tablecaptionalign,headerformat); performance fixes; allowed digits in month attribute | |||||||||
1.007 (17 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: personal icon support; new attributes (month,year); icon tooltips with dates/person/location/icon; fixed '-' bug | |||||||||
1.006 (16 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added new features (location support; today(fg/bg)color) | |||||||||
1.005 (16 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added new features (start date support; weekendbgcolor); fixed documentation bugs; | |||||||||
1.004 (14 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: some performance improvements; code cleanup; documentation | |||||||||
1.003 (13 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fix plugin preference handling; rename some subroutines | |||||||||
1.002 (13 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: renders some options; fixes some documentation bugs and a white space bug | |||||||||
1.001 (10 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: A complete reimplementation with many bug fixes and some new features. | |||||||||
1.021 (01 Jun 2005) | Foswiki:Main.PeterJones: Initial version | |||||||||
Dependencies: |
License: | GPL (GNU General Public License) | |||||||||
Home: | | |||||||||
Support: | |