
Homepage: http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-treeview
Author(s): Joern Zaefferer
Version: 1.4

Lightweight and flexible transformation of an unordered list into an expandable and collapsable tree, great for unobtrusive navigation enhancements. Supports both location and cookie based persistence.

Subtrees can be loaded on demand using AJAX. See the Foswiki:Extensions/RenderPlugin how to implement such REST handlers easily.


  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item
  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item
  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item

  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item
  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item
  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Nov 2019, UnknownUser
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