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Steps for Database Testing:

Database Maintenance Only/Simple Changes:

  1. Smoke Tests should be run. If not, no sense going to the next step.
  2. System Integration Tests (SIT) should be run.
  3. Regression Tests should be run.
  4. All tests should pass without error

Adding New Database:

  1. Smoke Tests should be run. If not, no sense going to the next step.
  2. System Integration Tests (SIT) should be run.
  3. Regression Tests should be run.
  4. Performance/Load Tests should be run (e.g. JMeter)
  5. All tests should pass without error

Migrating Database from One Environment to Another:

  1. Make sure there is no data lass. Check if tables and rows match and if configuration is setup correctly
  2. UAT Tests should be run
  3. All tests should pass without error
Topic revision: r2 - 21 Apr 2020, KellyEverlyHall
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